16 June, 2009

Meet your new server,your own Computer !

Screenshot of opera unite photo sharing tool

Opera innovates Unite,a browser plugin that makes you capable of transfering data from your web browser to any computer over the internet, without the help of any web server . In simple terms it turns your PC into a webserver.

My PC.. webserver..but why?
Lawrence Eng(Twitter), product analyst for Opera Software writes:

Our computers are only dumb terminals connected to other computers (meaning servers) owned by other people — such as large corporations — who we depend upon to host our words, thoughts, and images. We depend on them to do it well and with our best interests at heart. We place our trust in these third parties, and we hope for the best, but as long as our own computers are not first class citizens on the Web, we are merely tenants, and hosting companies are the landlords of the Internet.
With Opera Unite, I think we can start moving in a different direction. I hope you’ll join me in imagining a more personal and social computing experience that actually begins to deliver on the old (but not forgotten) promise of the Internet bringing people together in meaningful ways.

Unite assigns a url to the file/folder you want to share (the url can be used in any browser) from your PC/MAC/Linux , and your friend can start downloading it right from the very moment the url is assigned.Unite does provide an option to make your files private(for only you) , public(for everyone) OR limited(for selective person)

Download Opera Unite for windows
Opera unite services

See introductory video:


Anonymous said...

Opera is best

Common Man said...

Its very gd concept actually, Bt todays slow network it will not hit the market as it should...
as u hv to get your PC running in 24*7 environment to make it available 4 all.. and a common PC in india will not be able to run 24*7... :)