11 May, 2008

Free SMS # get it

Now a days, online free sms facilities are on a boom.These facilities allow a user to send free SMSs to any mobile they can reach.A number of service providers are available to choose from.
I suggest to use
wadja.com ,chikka.com ,160by2.com or way2sms.com . These sites need registration.
Wadja is a Mobile social networking web site, it means you can also make Friends on it.While sending SMSs from this site you need to prefix mobile number with country code ,say 91 for India.
way 2 SMS sends text ad with SMSs you send.Its Firefox addon is also available which makes it a lot easier to use .
chikka.com allows to send a large number of SMS per day.It is available in both Web-based and download version .Chikka 2.0. is a web application that supports various IM protocols other than its own, including the Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, and MSN Messenger protocols. Chikka 2.0 is currently in beta.
Many instant messaging companies have also jumped into Online Free SMS field ,say yahoo Messenger हिन्दी, Rediff Bol .
But (some of) these allow user to send limited SMSs per day until recipient sends you a reply.