14 June, 2008

Twittervision : Tweets on map

Twittervision is a Real time geographic visualization of posts to twitter which means a service which enables one to see tweets from all over the world on a map either 3D or plain.As soon as someone sends a tweet his tweet shown on an a map in a Speech balloon pointing to his location.
When you change location simply send a tweet as 'L:' followed by your location. Examples: ' L:3000 6th Ave, New York', 'L:Rouen, France', 'L:Disneyland', 'L:90210', 'L:30.010,-90.007'. ;and your tweets will be shown on new location in twittervision.


Unknown said...

her jagah chhye hue ho guru!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

bahut mauj ker rahe ho net per!!!!!!