26 March, 2009

Shareaholic's addon for IE8

(Click on the image to get a bigger view)

About a week ago Shareaholic had released its addon ,an accelerator,for IE8.I tried it and found that and it really makes your work faster and easier. Just right click on a link /text / or any where on the page to use the accelerator ,once the accelerator is selected it shows the the services which can be used to send /email/bookmark/blog etc the link .

The accelerator also tells the popularity of the link , digg count , the number of saves on del.icio.us,and seeks related content from oneriot.com
Services directly available from the accelerator are:
*Email: Gmail, Desktop mail client .
*Bookmarking and sharing : del.icio.us, Digg, Yahoo Buzz, Reddit, Stumbleupon .
*(micro)Blogging: Twitter .

Other services ,which include Hotmail ,Friendfeed ,Diigo ,Facebook etc can be used by clicking more options.
To add shareaholic accelerator on ie click
http://www.shareaholic.com/tools/ie/ Or http://ieaddons.com/en/details/bookmarks/Sharing_Email_Bookmark_Tool/


tweetme said...

i use it for firefox